Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free Online Educational Game Demonstration

Bonjour! Recently, in my attempts to become more technologically literate, for a group presentation concerning free online educational games and rubric creations, I decided to try my luck at creating a game demonstration to share during my group presentation. I also thought I would have the flu and be unable to speak during the presentation. So I wanted to contribute to the group some I made a short instructional video.

Further, in my attempts, I tried to post the entire presentation (PowerPoint and movie clip) to authorstream and slideshare, but whenever it came time for the video, it would not play. But I wanted to give everyone a preview of our presentation while I attempt to figure out how to get things to work in one file.

Up above, you'll find the video and a authorstream presentation. Just in case, here is the URL and let me know what you think.


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